HIH Studios

Monday, September 23, 2013

Convert list of words into a paragraph using Microsoft Word.

Convert list of words into a paragraph using Microsoft Word.

For example you have the following list (below)


and you convert it into this - I love listening to music!

"Find and Replace" (CTRL + H)
"Replace" tab
Type ^p in the "Find what" field
Empty space (by clicking once the space bar) in the replace with field.
Then click on "Replace All"


Unknown said...

Office 2013: Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word

Unknown said...

But the space between words is not equal like the following:

Abnormal Accommodation Accuracy Actual Actuator Ahead Air Air-cooler Alloy Ambient Anchoring Anchors Anti-corrode Arrangement Backup Ballast Barrier Basic Basis Bed Bit Bits Blank Blind Board Boat Body Book

Could you please how to have the outcome like the following (equal spaces between words)?

Abnormal Accommodation Accuracy Actual Actuator Ahead Air Air-cooler Alloy Ambient Anchoring Anchors Anti-corrode Arrangement Backup Ballast Barrier Basic Basis Bed Bit Bits Blank Blind Board Boat Body

Thanks a lot!

Unknown said...

Thanks! this was really helpful. I also found that I could add more space between each word by pressing the space bar respectively in the replace with field.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Awesome trick! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Worked perfectly thank you

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot. That is very helpful.
